Repipe Specialist Discuss Substandard Plumbing and Qwest Piping
PEX and Copper Repipe Specialist, Virginia Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, announces a level of service touted as second to none with “2-year Guaranteed Qwest Repiping” service when repiping homes and businesses. This announcement comes in light of the widespread, gradual deterioration of that “Old Gray Plastic Pipe” known as Qwest pipe throughout the US. Many homes have developed plumbing that has deteriorated leaking pipes,

Our Repipe Specialist and Emergency Plumber provide Repiping guaranteed for 2-years, call 540-256-3334.
under-the-house slab leaks with water pooling under the house and other major devaluing issues. However, according to management at Virginia Plumbing, replacement of the old leaky pipes with high-quality materials by inexperienced plumbers can turn a repiping repair solution into a nightmare.
“The quiet ‘death’ of old pipes may be more widespread than commonly known and substandard contractors may not give them much new life,” said a company management. Donnie Hoover notes, “Property and homeowners can be shocked after they have spent significant money to replace their pipes, when they find out that substandard materials were in use in the original construction and inexperienced plumbers performed the repiping, thereby minimizing the quality and longevity of the upgrade and overall in v investment.” Explaining further, Mr. Hoover cited Qwest pipes, soft copper pipes and galvanized metal pipes among the primary offending construction plumbing materials used in new construction and renovation of many homes and buildings constructed primarily in the sixties, seventies and eighties.
Mr. Hoover also cites health hazards and destructive symptoms, such as rusted and polluted plumbing and water, soaked walls and floors that become colonized with mold and mildew, and even destabilizing structure and foundation problems .
Virginia Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning has decided to boldly blow the whistle on this widespread situation by advertising a 2-year repiping guarantee while their competitors generally provide only 30-90 days. This guarantee looks essentially like a strong commitment to repair and replace old deteriorated plumbing and do it right the first time. To better understand the quality and plumbing experience that is provided by Virginia Plumbing, visit their website and/or call the to arrange for a FREE written quote.
Virginia Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning boasts a team of plumbing expert in-house technicians and never subcontract their work out. This should be considered a significant plus to any home-owner. Certainly it gives a higher loyalty image and lends a stronger accountability for the quality of work done and overall condition of the new plumbing.
Although one can make complaints about poor quality pipe repair and replacement after the fact, it behooves the consumer to understand what is being done with one’s home as much as possible. And while one may not understand all the technical details, their 2-year guarantee lends a big hand in quieting any fears in consumer minds about what they are getting, since it allows use of the system for a long time after work is done and money is paid.
Repipe Specialist Discuss Substandard Plumbing and Qwest Piping
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